PopApi |
should have a static express instance
PopApi.app |
should have a debug function for extra output
PopApi.debug |
should have a static map for the installed plugins
PopApi._installedPlugins |
test/PopApi.spec.js |
PopApi.use |
should not register the plugin if it is not a class
PopApi.use |
should initiate the PopApi instance
PopApi.init |
should initiate the PopApi instance and not create the temporary directory
PopApi.init |
BaseContentController |
should check the attributes of the BaseContentController
BaseContentController#constructor |
should register the routes with of the controller
BaseContentController#registerRoutes |
with an empty database
BaseContentController |
test/controllers/BaseContentController.spec.js |
- |
with a filled database
BaseContentController |
test/controllers/BaseContentController.spec.js |
BaseContentController#createContent |
test/controllers/BaseContentController.spec.js |
BaseContentController#getContents |
test/controllers/BaseContentController.spec.js |
BaseContentController#getPage |
test/controllers/BaseContentController.spec.js |
BaseContentController#getPage |
test/controllers/BaseContentController.spec.js |
BaseContentController#updateContent |
test/controllers/BaseContentController.spec.js |
BaseContentController#getContent |
test/controllers/BaseContentController.spec.js |
BaseContentController#getRandomContent |
test/controllers/BaseContentController.spec.js |
BaseContentController#deleteContent |
will throw errors
BaseContentController |
test/controllers/BaseContentController.spec.js |
BaseContentController#createContent |
test/controllers/BaseContentController.spec.js |
BaseContentController#getContents |
test/controllers/BaseContentController.spec.js |
BaseContentController#getPage |
test/controllers/BaseContentController.spec.js |
BaseContentController#updateContent |
test/controllers/BaseContentController.spec.js |
BaseContentController#getContent |
test/controllers/BaseContentController.spec.js |
BaseContentController#getRandomContent |
test/controllers/BaseContentController.spec.js |
BaseContentController#deleteContent |
ContentService |
should check the attributes of the ContentService
ContentService#constructor |
should get a page of content items
ContentService#getPage |
should get a page of content items
ContentService#getPage |
should get a page of content items
ContentService#getPage |
should get a page of content items
ContentService#getPage |
should create a single content item
ContentService#createContent |
should create multiple content items
ContentService#createMany |
should get the available pages
ContentService#getContents |
should update a single content item
ContentService#updateContent |
should update multiple content items
ContentService#updateMany |
should get a single content item
ContentService#getContent |
should get a single random content item
ContentService#getRandomContent |
should delete a single content item
ContentService#deleteContent |
should delete multiple content items
ContentService#deleteMany |
IContentController |
should throw an error when calling the default getContents method
IContentController#getContents |
should throw an error when calling the default sortContent method
IContentController#sortContent |
should throw an error when calling the default getPage method
IContentController#getPage |
should throw an error when calling the default getContent method
IContentController#getContent |
should throw an error when calling the default createContent method
IContentController#createContent |
should throw an error when calling the default updateContent method
IContentController#updateContent |
should throw an error when calling the default deleteContent method
IContentController#deleteContent |
should throw an error when calling the default getRandomContent method
IContentController#getRandomContent |
IController |
should throw an error when calling the default registerRoutes method
IController#registerRoutes |
ApiError |
should create a new ApiError
ApiError#constructor |
should create a new ApiError without default parameters
ApiError#constructor |
statusCodes |
statusCodes should be an object
statusCodes |
Cli |
should create a new Cli instance without arguments to parse
Cli#constructor |
should check the attributes of the Cli
Cli#constructor |
should initiate the options for the Cli
Cli#initOptions |
should get the help message
Cli#getHelp |
should print the --help option
Cli#printHelp |
test/middleware/Cli.spec.js |
Cli#mode |
should invoke no options and print the --help option
Cli#run |
should not parse the arguments since there are none
Cli#run |
Database |
should test the use the environment variables to connect
Database#constructor |
should check the attributes of the Database
Database#constructor |
should fail to create a new Database object
Database#constructor |
should connect to MongoDB
Database#connect |
should disconnect from MongoDB
Database#disconnect |
should fail to authenticate with MongoDB
Database#connect |
should export a file
Database#exportFile |
should import a file
Database#importFile |
should not find the file to import
Database#importFile |
HttpServer |
should create a HttpServer with an Express instance
HttpServer#constructor |
should create a HttpServer with a Restify instance
HttpServer#constructor |
should check the attributes of the HttpServer
HttpServer#constructor |
should fork the workers
HttpServer#forkWorkers |
should handle the exit event of the workers
HttpServer#workersOnExit |
should start the API in worker mode
HttpServer#setupApi |
should close the API
HttpServer.closeApi |
Logger |
should create an ExpressWinston instance
Logger#constructor |
should check the attributes of the Logger
Logger#constructor |
should test if the correct logger colors are returned
Logger#getLevelColor |
should enrich the info object to pretty print the console
Logger#prettyPrintConsole |
should get the message string from the info object
Logger#_getMessage |
should make the console formatter
Logger#consoleFormatter |
should make the file formatter
Logger#fileFormatter |
should get a configured winston console transport
Logger#getConsoleTransport |
should get a configured winston file transport
Logger#getFileTransport |
should create a configured winston instance
Logger#createLoggerInstance |
should create a configured winston instance
Logger#createLoggerInstance |
should get the message to print for express-winston
Logger#getHttpLoggerMessage |
should create a configured Http logger instance
Logger#createHttpLogger |
should create a configured Http logger instance with developer output
Logger#createHttpLogger |
should create the global logger object
Logger#createLogger |
should not create an instance of ExpressWinston or Winston
Logger#getLogger |
Routes |
should register the routes when creating a new Routes object
Routes#constructor |
should register a controller
Routes#registerControllers |
should catch a 500 internal server error with a default error
Routes#convertErrors |
should catch a 404 not found error
Routes#setNotFoundHandler |
should catch a 500 internal server error with a custom error
Routes#setErrorHandler |
should remove the security headers
Routes#removeServerHeader |
should add the security headers
Routes#preRoutes |
should execute the pre routes hook
Routes#preRoutes |
should execute the post routes hook
Routes#postRoutes |
should setup the Express instance
Routes#setupRoutes |
should setup the Express instance
Routes#setupRoutes |
padStart |
should pad a string
padStart |
- |
should create the temporary directory
createTemp |
should remove the files from the temporary directory
createTemp |
should successfully execute a command
executeCommand |
should fail to execute a command
executeCommand |