should throw an error when executing the default provider
should check if Context has a provider
should test the constructor with options.
should check the attributes of the Cron
should get the cron object
should get the cron object and start the cronjob
should check the attributes of the PopApiScraper
should only create teh status files on the master node
should throw an error if the required options are not given
should set the status of the scraper
should get the status of the scraper
should set the updated status of the scraper
should get the updated status of the scraper
should not register the plugin if it is not a class
should call the scrape method
should throw an error when calling the get method
should throw an error when calling the post method
should throw an error when calling the put method
should throw an error when calling the delete method
should throw an error when calling the download method
should get the raw body of a request
should get the body wrapped in cheerio
should throw an error when calling the _request method
should throw an error when calling the _printDebug method
should make a successful HTTP request
should fail to download a given link
should successfully download a given link
should throw an error when calling the printDebug method
should throw an error when calling the request method
should throw an error when calling the scrapeConfigs method
should throw an error when calling the scrapeConfig method