Manual Reference Source Test


// Import the necessary modules.
// @flow
/* eslint-disable no-console */
 * node.js command-line interfaces made easy
 * @external {Command}
import Command from 'commander'

 * Class The class for the command line interface.
 * @type {Cli}
export default class Cli {

   * The command line parser to process the Cli inputs.
   * @type {Command}
  program: Object

   * The name of the Cli program.
   * @type {string}
  name: string

   * The version of the Cli program.
   * @type {string}
  version: string

   * Create a new Cli object.
   * @param {!PopApi} PopApi - The PopApi instance to bind the cli to.
   * @param {!Object} options - The options for the cli.
   * @param {?Array<string>} options.argv - The arguments to be parsed by
   * commander.
   * @param {!string} - The name of the Cli program.
   * @param {!string} options.version - The version of the Cli program.
   * @throw {TypeError} - 'name' and 'version' are required options for the Cli
   * middleware!
  constructor(PopApi: any, {argv, name, version}: Object): void {
    const { name: debugName } = this.constructor
    PopApi.debug(`Registering ${debugName} middleware with options: %o`, {

    if (!name || !version) {
      throw new TypeError('\'name\' and \'version\' are required options for the Cli middleware!')

     * The command line parser to process the Cli inputs.
     * @type {Command}
    this.program = Command
     * The name of the Cli program.
     * @type {string}
     */ = name
     * The version of the Cli program.
     * @type {string}
    this.version = version

    this.program.on('--help', this.printHelp.bind(this))

    if (argv) {, argv)

   * Initiate the options for the Cli.
   * @returns {undefined}
  initOptions(): void {
    return this.program.version(`${} v${this.version}`)
        '-m, --mode <type>',
        'Run the API in a particular mode.',

   * Get the help message.
   * @returns {Array<string>} - The help message to print.
  getHelp(): Array<string> {
    return [
      '  Examples:',
      `    $ ${} -m <pretty|quiet|ugly>`,
      `    $ ${} --mode <pretty|quiet|ugly>`

   * Method for displaying the --help option
   * @returns {undefined}
  printHelp(): void {`${this.getHelp().join('\n')}\n`)

   * Handle the --mode Cli option.
   * @param {?string} [m] - The mode to run the API in.
   * @returns {Object} - The options to pass to the Logger middleware.
  mode(m?: string): Object {
    const testing = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test'

    switch (m) {
      case 'quiet':
        return {
          pretty: false,
          quiet: true
      case 'ugly':
        return {
          pretty: false,
          quiet: testing
      case 'pretty':
        return {
          pretty: !testing,
          quiet: testing

   * Run the Cli program.
   * @param {!PopApi} PopApi - The PopApi instance to bind the logger to.
   * @param {?Array<string>} argv - The arguments to be parsed by commander.
   * @returns {undefined}
  run(PopApi: any, argv?: Array<string>): void {
    if (argv) {

    if (this.program.mode) {
      PopApi.loggerArgs = this.mode(this.program.mode)
    } else {
      console.error('\n  error: no valid command given, please check below:')
