Manual Reference Source Test


// Import the necessary.
// @flow
import pMap from 'p-map'

import IProvider from './IProvider'

 * The abstract provider for the strategy pattern.
 * @implements {IProvider}
 * @type {AbstractProvider}
export default class AbstractProvider extends IProvider {

   * The name of the abstract provider.
   * @type {string}
  name: string

   * The max allowed concurrent web requests.
   * @type {number}
  maxWebRequests: number

   * The configs fro the abstract provider.
   * @type {Array<Object>}
  configs: Array<Object>

   * Create a nwe AbstractProvider object.
   * @param {!PopApiScraper} PopApiScraper - The PopApScraper instance.
   * @param {!Object} options - The options for the AbstractProvider.
   * @param {!string} name - The name of the AbstractProvider.
   * @param {!Array<Object>} options.configs - The configurations of the
   * provider.
   * @param {!number} [maxWebRequests=2] - The max allowed concurrent web
   * requests.
  constructor(PopApiScraper: any, {
    maxWebRequests = 2
  }: Object): void {

     * The name of the abstract provider.
     * @type {string}
     */ = name ||
     * The max allowed concurrent web requests.
     * @type {number}
    this.maxWebRequests = maxWebRequests
     * The configs for the abstract provider.
     * @type {Array<Object>}
    this.configs = configs

   * Get the contents for the configurations.
   * @override
   * @returns {Promise<Array<Object>, Error>} - The results of the scraped
   * configurations.
  scrapeConfigs(): Promise<Array<Object> | Error> {
    return pMap(this.configs, config => {
      return this.scrapeConfig(config)
    }, {
      concurrency: 1
